
A significant fact of St. Peter’s, Monkwearmouth is that its present day use fulfils the buildings’ original purpose as a place of worship and ministry.

Although these have their costs, our priority at St.Peter’s, Monkwearmouth is in the area of conservation. Such responsibility is under the strict observation of the Church of England’s five yearly architectural inspection scheme and any on site work is monitored by organisations such as English Heritage (as a Scheduled Monument and Grade I listed building), the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings, the Church Building Council among other observing authorities.

The fund that is supported by the Friends of St.Peter’s is not ministry-based but dedicated to work either on the church fabric or on possible world heritage visitor interpretative work. Such costs fall outside of our daily church ministerial revenue, so as a donor you can know your support will support the heritage of this place.

If you become a Friend of St. Peter’s you will receive regular reports of such works, as the recent conservation worked carried out on unique carved stonework in the west porch in 2011. It is one of the purposes of this website to attain your support of part of our national heritage.