Bede’s Way Walk & Annual Pilgrimage
The 12-mile walk between Wearmouth and Jarrow represents an old pilgrims way between the two twin 7th century monasteries of Wearmouth-Jarrow.

Travel between the two places was either undertaken in a coracle by sea or on foot. The path follows riverside tracks and public footpaths over a scenic part-coastal route in the footsteps of the saints of Wearmouth-Jarrow.
Every year there is the Bede’s Way Annual Pilgrimage on a Saturday at the end of June nearest Petertide beginning and ending with a short pilgrims’ prayer service. After registration at 9.30 a.m. the walk lasts from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and participants bring a packed lunch. We are fortunate to pass a few public houses en route where thirsts can be quenched during a short stop.
The Annual Pilgrimage, marks St. Peter and St. Paul’s day on 29th June – the saints to which the monastery is still dedicated.
The Bede’s Way walk is a signposted route which can be walked all year round. Participants will need to use public transport services or make private arrangements for transportation between sites before or after the walk.
Please click below to open and/or download the full colour PDF document ‘Bede’s Way Walk Route’ (opens in new window). This document is completely free for everyone so by all means save it to your computer or device for use or reference later.